jaanch parinaam example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The problem is posed of finding new forms of organization 2. The work of anthropologists in all their geographical expansion, show that this finding is of general application 3. This exceptional finding in a Filicophyte certify the evolved nature of this case and located at one end of phylum compared to related species, but homoxylées 4. This finding coincides with the observations 5. This finding illustrates the theory of Joseph Bedier on the relationship between shrines and epics

Given are the examples of hindi word jaanch parinaam usage in english sentences. The examples of jaanch parinaam are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., finding.

There are several ways of finding out about the past. One is to search for and read books that were written long ago.अतीत की जानकारी हम कई तरह से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं| इनमें से एक तरीका अतीत में लिखी गई पुस्तकों को ढूँढ़ना और पढ़ना है|

Staffing simply stated, is finding the right people for the right job.
The teacher should do some preparation in finding out the actual activities with the help of Internet and printed material relevant to the sector which is selected.
It is about finding out how things were in the past and how things have changed.
This approach depends on finding a crop variety that can give a good yield.
More and more nomadic herdsmen are taking to city life finding jobs in oil and gas operations.
Resilience has been conceptualised as reflecting feelings of self-worth and self-confidence, autonomy and self-reliance, finding positive role models, seeking a confidant, cognitive skills such as problem solving, creativity, resourcefulness, and flexibility and a belief that one's life has purpose and meaning.
ulnerability is determined by the options available to different communities for finding an alternative living in terms of assets, education, health and job opportunities.
If it confirms Dutta's finding it will be the high point in his lifelong career as amateur astronomer.
We saw that new towns (Chapter 6) and kingdoms (Chapters 2, 3 and 4) were emerging, and people were taking up new professions and finding new roles for themselves.
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